Call for papers

Call for papers

Thematic Meeting of the French Economic Association (AFSE)

"The Crisis of EMU: theoretical issues

and prospects for economic policy"


Given the main theme of the conference, several topics will be dealt with, including:

-       Monetary policy in EMU

-       Unconventional monetary policy

-       Macro and Micro-prudential regulation

-       Banking supervision and regulation in EMU

-       Public debt

-       Coordination and cooperation of fiscal policies

-       Inflation

-       Exchange rate policy


Submission of Papers

Papers should be written in French or in English. They must include a cover page with the following information:

- An abstract, with JEL classification and no more than 3 keywords

- Authors’ full name and affiliation

- Contact details for the corresponding author (address, phone and e-mail)


All papers should be submitted electronically, as name-firstname.pdf files, to the local organizers at:

Deadline for paper submission is: March 8, 2013.

Authors are allowed to submit more than one paper. All submitted papers will be peer reviewed. Authors will be notified of paper acceptance no later than March 22, 2013.

Paper presenters are expected to discuss another paper during the conference. The discussion assignments will be made by the conference organizers at a later date.



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